Mail Call!
Extra! Extra! etc etc etc...
To: Carnage
Fm: Kei/Carnage
I only brought 50% of my stuff down with me but have no fear as I will
get the rest shortly. CID 46 should be ready soon as well. I seem to
of lost communication with Mayhem, Ruiner and Zebedee so if you are
reading this guys, give Amida a call on his Newcastle number or Kenco on
his Stamford number to obtain my new number. You'll find what you need
in back issues of CID.
To: Amida/Carnage
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Thanks for the support at the last minute. I know you are feeling
disorientated at present so it wasn't easy. We'll all get back to
normal soon enough. Or at least as normal as we were before. I don't
think my flat is big enough to hold gatherings in but guests will be
To: Iceman/Carnage
Fm: Kei/Carnage
I was in two minds about using my new address as a diskback address due
to the neighbours. Amida said you had volunteered your address but when
I phoned up to confirm your mam got weird on me and hung up on me! So
it was a last minute decision.
To: Cage/Carnage
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Hope you enjoy your new house. Living away from the folks is very
different. You finally get to do what you want! Swallow hard, close
your eyes and hand over the money to BT mate asap so we can get the
board back on-line. I'll tell you how to get 8 months free ISP service
if you wish?
To: Kenco/Carnage
Fm: Kei/Carnage
You missed the deadline even after all those calls I made! A pity as I
wanted to see that new picture you said you were working on. Re-work it
and stick a 17 in it for next issue.
When you get confirmation on those new Pratchett titles then let me
know. It'll make a change from the cyberpunk/hacker material I've been
digesting lately. I could do with a laugh.
To: Wookie/Carnage
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Good look with your career mate. Can't see you having too much to
worry about going by that music CD you did. Are we going to see a
comercial release soon? If you convert your music collection to MOD
then send me a copy.
To: Dick
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Cheers for the support and the general wibble. You have too much time
on your hands than is healthy mate.
To: Mammoth/Syndicate
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Check out my address in this issue and get in touch.
To: Andy Bolt
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Can you do some more cyberpunk images for me? I can think of loads of
uses for it. Cheers also for the support.
To: Bootblock/Terraform
Fm: Kei/Carnage
The article on your brain was an insight and answered a few unasked
questions. That colour util came in handy but there are a few problems
I've noticed so feel free to get in touch via mail and we can come up
with an efficient program thay we can add to the Word's software suite
(well ok so it will make 2 pieces..)
To: Dave Diamond
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Cheers for the "package" it er.. "came" in useful. ;) Don't take
anything in this issue to personally. Write what you want but stay
within a healthy margin.
To: Ziploc/LOC
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Cheers for those favours. When I get a PSX I'll let you know.
To: Maffia
Fm: Kei/Carnage
I got your email. I'll get that information for you asap. You are not
the only one who has to read the Word on a PC these days. You'll be
suprised how many PC users read the Word. This issue the Word goes
on-line completly and not just to download the Amiga disk version. So
you don't even have to bother loading UAE anymore as you can use your
favourite web browser to read The Word!
To: Phil97
Fm: Kei/Carnage
I seem to of gotten myself into the habbit of emailing you, Dick and
Andy in moments of boredom so cheers for putting up with me. ;)
To: Everyone
Fm: Kei/Carnage
The Word is surviving at present with the help of it's regular readers
and the introduction of the Word on-line. To see it last even longer we
would appreciate it if you took the time to write some articles and sent
them in to us. We need your support. Why not start work on that
science fiction piece you alwways wanted to write but never got around
to? It could win you a prize.
TO: Anyone
FM: BootBlock/TerraForm
Hey, has anyone heard a dance/techno/rave song that goes "I wanna fly,
painting rainbows in the sky ...... Rainbow Island!" ?
Is this about the most infamous Amiga game? Sounds good though!
"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, I take you away to paradise, to
show everyone that I love you and you love meeee ..."
Ahh... ain't that a sweet dance songy ? Ahhh.... :)
TO: Old biddies
FM: BootBlock/TerraForm
Oi, what the hell is a "DeelyBopper" (can't spell that, man!) ? And are
they used for amusement ? Eh?
TO: D!ck/Grimsby Old Biddies' Home
FM: BootBlock/TerraForm
I'm tellin' yer mate, you're betting off doing zee Word in Blitz 2.
Then The Word might be able to match BlitzAMC is terms of sexyness.
AGA support, FULL TRACKER SUPPORT, OS friendly (depending on what you do
of course) and tons loads more features. Look at it for the long-term,
you won't have to do any recoding to speed it up (AMOS being slow, an'
all). Also, you can have PROPER ERROR TRAPING!
Think about it, AMOS is a big wooden spoon (soz to anyone at AmosZine!),
and Blitz is a gold-plated fudge spoon. See? Thought you might.
TO: Dave Diamond/The Invaders
FM: BootBlock/TerraForm
Dave, Dave, Dave. I'm gonna tell you summats about your articles.
Y'know when you write stuff like "My First Snog" ? Yeh? Well, you're
supposed to write about your first SNOG, not about when you got kissed
for 5 seconds when you were 6 !
Also, "My First Pull". Nope, it's like, only when you DO "pull", not
when you failed (probably).
That "My First Homosexual Encounter". You saw a norty bit on a tape
which had some geezers in it. "My First Homosexual Encounter" was a bit
of a mis-leading/strong, eh? (Not that I'M a pufter, y'know)
See what I'm getting at? Good.
Thanks for gimme'ing The Word #13. Y'know that article of yours about
Roswell ? Well, that phone in the background actually came out a few
years after 1949. Who do I know? Easy, just look at the phone cord,
they wern't invented until sometime later. `kay?
TO: Andy Bolt
FM: BootBlock/TerraForm
Have you got a brother/relative called Martin Bolt that lives in
Plymouth? Oh, just asking.